Sunday, July 28, 2013

Creamy Parmesan Tilapia

According to "Women's Health Magazine" Tilapis is only the 14th healthiest fish to eat. Apparently they say Catfish is #12... So I don't know if I trust them. In any case, most people agree that fish in all forms is still pretty great for your heart and has omega 3s  and good stuff like that. Anyways, I use Tilapia because it is cheap. If you are feeling rich, go ahead and try this recipe with Salmon or Mahi Mahi.

I think I first saw this recipe on Pinterest. It was originally a recipe for chicken, and since it worked so well with the chicken, I thought I would give it a try with fish.

No pictures yet, I will put them up as soon as I make it again.

4 Tilapia Fillets
1 cup Mayonnaise*
1 cup Parmesan Cheese
Dash of Garlic Salt
Dash of Pepper
3/4 cup Italian Breadcrumbs

Spray an 8X8 baking dish with cooking spray. Lay Tilapia in bottom of pan.
 In separate bowl, mix mayonnaise and Parmesan cheese. Spread mixture over the top of fish, covering fish completely. Sprinkle bread crumbs over cheese mixture and top with garlic salt and pepper to taste.
Bake at 400 degrees for  12-14 minutes, until breadcrumbs begin to brown and fish flakes easily.

*Substitute Plain Greek Yogurt for healthy dish

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